It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!
Seventeen years ago I went through a challenging period of time that lasted several years. One of the outcomes was a series of inspirational messages with photos called Distinctions. In light of the challenges we face during this difficult time, I dusted off the title It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming and updated the story with one of my popular images. As we deal with the Covid 19 virus, I hope you’ll take time to reflect this season of Easter with the hope that Sunday’s coming.
It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming
Is the sun setting or rising in this image? Your response may depend on how you feel about your current circumstances.
The season of Passover had now arrived and Jesus knew his crucifixion was imminent. Therefore, he gathered his disciples to share one last meal and prepare them for what was to come.
The atmosphere in the upper room that evening must have been charged with emotion as Jesus explained that it was time for him to depart this world and “enter into his glory.” The disciples not understanding what he meant when he said, “In just awhile you will see me no more. Then, a little while after that you will see me again,” murmured among themselves.
Jesus, knowing their confusion, reminded them of his impending death, burial, and resurrection. “Truly you will weep and mourn over what is going to happen… but your grief will suddenly turn to wonderful joy when you see me again.”
Shock. Horror. Disbelief. His disciples scattered in fear for their own lives; Jesus was left to face the agony of the cross – alone. The Gospel of John, chapters 18 and 19, tell of the vivid and brutal story of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion. But his story doesn’t end there; nor does that of his disciples. Although their hopes had been shattered in a moment’s time. Sunday was coming. Yes, Sunday’s coming!
Take another look at the image. Your faith in a victorious Lord may determine whether the sun is setting on a Friday or rising on a Sunday. Let it rise!