“I was young and now I’m old…”
…yet not have I seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread.” Psalm 37:25
The other day I was talking to my dad (he will be 95 next month) and at one point in the conversation he said, “I was young and now I’m old.” And, I jumped in and quoted the rest of the verse.
When I was a young boy I used to sit on my mom and dad’s bed before my bedtime and listen to my dad read the psalms from the KJV of the bible. I’m not sure which blessed me more, having scripture read to me or just being alone with dad.
I don’t know why as a young boy a verse like Psalm 37:25 would stick with me when I heard it, but it did and it was the first verse I committed to memory.
Now here we are 50+ years later talking on the phone and dad starts out with “I was young and now I’m old…” Whether that verse is prophetic or a promise I can’t say. But I can tell you this – I’ve never gone hungry a day in my life. Okay, you might say, “Well you live in America where there’s plenty for everyone.” That may be true. However, I chalk it up to a dad and mom who have done their best to live a God honoring life.
My prayer is that the same be true for the next generation.