As a boy growing up, whenever I came to a body of water, throwing rocks in it and watching the ripples or skipping them was a natural thing to do. I don’t know why, but I just did it – just like many other boys I suppose.
Looking back over the past 62 years I’ve made numerous other kinds of ripples, but not by throwing rocks in water. Words and deeds can also cause ripples if not tidal waves, too! I’m sure I’ve created my share.
But ripples can also be good things. A kind word, a thoughtful deed, a gesture of gratitude, or maybe something as simple as a smile can ripple out beyond your horizon and reach people you’ll never know. Those are the kinds of ripples I hope for. Those are the ripples I’d like to create.
I guess I’d sum it up this way. You can spend your life “making waves” or creating ripples. I’ll try and stick with the latter.
This image is titled Ripples and is available for purchase on various photographic substrates.