Introducing Birques (aka bird plaques)
Hey, everyone! I’m introducing a NEW product – bird plaques. Or, birques as I like to call them.
These are handcrafted 5×7 bird portraits mounted on 1/4″ fomecore then mounted on a “rustic-ish” board with decorative square nails. They are also signed and have my seal on the reverse side. The cost is ONLY $20 plus tax and shipping (for now). Many different bird portraits are available. You can hang them by the string or eyelet, or you could lean them. Wouldn’t someone(s) be encouraged by receiving a birque!
Each bird portrait will be in a 5×7 format regardless if it shows a square format below.
I’ll be adding more birds along the way. Or, if buying more than one, I’ll take special requests from any of my bird galleries.
To order fill out the simple contact form with the bird(s) you want. (Click on the bird photo and there will be a file name/number below it. I need this when you order.) Upon receiving your order I’ll send an invoice via Square. Once paid, I’ll ship the Birque(s).